Maaj and the contractors of religion dabbed the face of an elderly woman and dragged her in front of the chariot of the deity by wearing a garland of shoes around her neck.
Tag: Maaj and the contractors of religion dabbed the face of an elderly woman and dragged her in front of the chariot of the deity by wearing a garland of shoes around her neck.
news portals -सबकी खबर (सरकाघाट ) हिमाचल प्रदेश देव भूमि में एक शर्मनाक वीडियो वारल हुई हे जिसमे समाज और धर्म के ठेकेदारों ने एक बुजुर्ग महिला के साथ ऐसी क्रूरता की जिसे जानकर आपके…
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